Mortgage Brokers Brisbane Gold Coast


Secure Finance For Your Build!

Get the right borrowing
support when you need it,
to fast-track your home
building journey

Secure Your Build With Confidence...
Knowing You’ve Got Your Finances Sorted

Looking to secure finance to build a new home? Interested in exploring support from seasoned mortgage specialists who know the ways to overcome roadblocks to finance when building a home?

QMP Financial is here to help! We understand that finding the right loan to minimize your repayments can be time-consuming. Our dedicated mortgage specialists are here to streamline the process. We have a proven track record of helping home builders, renovators and refinancers secure loans that are tailored to their individual needs.

Our team has helped hundreds of property buyers and builders overcome their home loan woes, and we’re ready to help you too. Enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your home finance can run smoothly and hassle-free. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you secure the finance you need to build your dream home.

Loan Rates
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Continuous Borrowing Support

Fast-track Your Home
Building Journey

Feeling anxious knowing you need to deal with the banks, chasing finance for your new home build or major renovation?

If you are looking at a new estate, understand that buying off the plan starting with a deposit helps developers to secure finance for the project, and for buyers to get in on the ground floor.

The developer should provide a contract outlining the purchase details, completion date, and decision deadline. If the developer doesn’t meet the deadline or pulls out, you may be entitled to a refund, but read the contract carefully and seek advice if needed. Full payment is not required until settlement.

In the meantime, you get to coordinate the design and construction of your new home with your desired builder and coordinate your financing to coincide with your land and build contract settlements.

QMP Financial can help you make the most of the opportunity and avoid common pitfalls. So reach out if you want to fast-track the process, hassle-free…

Borrowing Power Calculator

WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate

What Smart Property Buyers Say About QMP Financial...

5 stars

Suz D

27 reviews

5 star review

Great experience and highly recommend their services. Pete was a pleasure to deal with. I always felt in good hands


Elissa Ringelstein

3 reviews

5 star review

I used QMP Financial for my first home purchase and they were excellent. Took all the stress and hard work out of everything. Todd was my broker and he was excel..


Joshua Rowe

1 reviews

5 star review

Pete was professional and hard working. I appreciate all the help in achieving finance and hope to collaborate more in the future. Cheers


Suz D

27 reviews

5 star review

Great experience and highly recommend their services. Pete was a pleasure to deal with. I always felt in good hands


Elissa Ringelstein

3 reviews

5 star review

I used QMP Financial for my first home purchase and they were excellent. Took all the stress and hard work out of everything. Todd was my broker and he was excel..


Joshua Rowe

1 reviews

5 star review

Pete was professional and hard working. I appreciate all the help in achieving finance and hope to collaborate more in the future. Cheers

Common questions for home builders


How much time is on your side?
One of the biggest advantages of buying off the plan is time. Unlike traditional property purchases with relatively short windows to round up the total finance, you will have at least 12 months, if not longer, to settle. Savvy buyers will take advantage of this extra time to save their pennies and reduce their borrowings.

How to get your home of choice?
If you dream of a new home but have nightmares at the thought of building one, an off-the-plan purchase may be the perfect compromise. Although you will not get to design everything as you would with a custom-built home, most offthe- plan developments allow some customisation of finishes and fixtures. Make sure your contract outlines what you can tailor and that you are clear on any additional costs.

Are there advantages for First-home-buyers?
Various incentives are still being dangled in front of first-home-buyers, which may add to the appeal of buying off the plan. Concessions vary across Australia, so visit your State or Territory web site for the latest information on grants
and exemptions. You can also research your eligibility for stamp duty concessions on new properties at

Can you get investment incentives?
Off-the-plan apartments are often pitched heavily at investors due to the tax* benefits that come with depreciation on new properties and rental guarantees. Tax savings will depend on your individual circumstances, but generally the newer the property, the higher the depreciation allowance for the building and fixtures.

Investors may also be offered attractive rental guarantees for a limited period. Make sure you do your homework on
rental returns on similar properties in the area before accepting the developer’s terms. Be wary of over-inflated rental
guarantees. Builders will sometimes promise a high-rent yield to lure investors, build the cost into the property price
and then subsidise any gap themselves for a short period. When the rental guarantee expires, you may find the actual market rent falls well short of what you originally pocketed. If investing, make sure you have the option to manage the property yourself or with your chosen property manager from the time you take possession.

Are you aware of boom periods?
Many buyers get swept up on a wave of rising property prices when they hand over their deposit in exchange for a floor plan. Historically, property is a consistent long-term performer, but property prices can plateau and even wane at the mercy of economic factors.

Buyers also need to be wary of over-supply, which may devalue their property.

Make sure you consider the bigger picture if buying off the plan. Research how many other developments are planned in the area and whether any increase in apartment numbers is justified by new or improved infrastructure,
such as transport corridors, business precincts, universities or hospitals.

Are you being discerning about the developer?
Make sure you purchase from a reputable builder and take the time to research their previous projects. Do they use
quality contractors? Do they deliver projects on time? Make a point of visiting some of their projects so you can assess the finished product first-hand.

Want some Top Tips?
Investments like this are big decisions, so investing in the right professionals to have onside before you commit is money well spent. Ensure you get professional legal advice on any contract before you sign it and that you speak with your financial advisor or tax professional to make sure you’ve got the right advice from day one.

• Make sure your deposit will be refunded if the project doesn’t go ahead by a certain date.
• Make sure the contract contains as much detail as possible about the finished product.
• Be clear on what finishes and fixtures you can customise.
• Find out if you can on-sell during construction in case your circumstances change.
• Ask if you can inspect the site during construction.
• Talk to your mortgage broker about

Property Buyers Seeking The Lowest Loan Rates

5 Reasons To Use A Broker When Purchasing Property, Even If You’ve Been With The Same Bank For Years

Download your exclusive free guide and learn the real reasons why successful property investors use brokers to save themselves thousands on their loans by simply picking up the phone and getting a broker working for them...not the banks! It’s that simple!

*Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our

5 reasons broker

Proven Lending Partner Network

Fast-track Your Finance

What You’ll Discover In Your FREE Tailored Home Finance Fast-track Session

Don’t leave your property finance to chance. Book your FREE Tailored Home Finance Fast-track Session today and discover the keys to securing your property of choice! Our professional mortgage brokers will help you explore your critical requirements for securing finance quickly, including strategies to minimise repayments, the loan options that best suit your needs, and your borrowing capacity. You’ll also learn how to see the credit rating the banks are judging you by, and how to fast-track your property finance process.

During the session, you’ll get your most pressing loan questions answered by our experts, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your finances. And best of all, there’s no risk or obligation to do anything following your session – just pure upside for you from day one! Book your session now and take the first step towards fast-tracking your property purchase.

*These sessions are strictly limited, so reach out now to avoid disappointment

Secure Your FREE Tailored Home Finance Fast-track Session Now

*No cost and no obligation...Just support. Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our

Fast-track Your Finance... That’s Our Promise!

We understand that the banks can be hard to deal with, especially if you haven’t caught up with lenders’ current requirements!

That’s why we promise to help you fast-track your finance… So you can make informed decisions sooner. We guide you through the step-by-step process on your journey to securing your property of choice, stress-free!

You’re invited to learn the facts you need to know now to secure finance! It sure beats leaving it to chance, setting yourself up for failure or wasting your time. It’s the key to fast-tracking property ownership (or re-finance)!

Want to fast-track your finance…?

*QMP Financial employs systems and strategies to accelerate the collection of customer information, assessment of eligibility and presentation of loan options, with the goal of helping clients fast-track their finance applications. This promise is not a guarantee that any given lender will approve a loan for our clients, nor that QMP Financial is responsible for the turn-around time of the lender once the required information is provided to the lender.

Securing finance for your new home is easier than you’d expect...

We're here to help!

Don’t let the opportunity pass you by...

We hold your hand to simplify the steps to securing property finance, so you can understand, prepare for and fast-track securing home ownership, without making mistakes that could otherwise cost you thousands! Share your details to secure a private call back...

*No cost and no obligation...Just support. Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our