Mortgage Brokers Brisbane Gold Coast

Like A Hand?


Every Dollar Counts!

Real peace of mind comes with knowing
you’ve minimised your home loan rates,
so you have more money in your pocket!

If You Haven’t Checked Your Home Loan Rates In Recent Times, Chances Are You’re Paying More Than You Could Be...
And Your Bank Is Not Telling You!

Has it been more than 12 months since you last checked your home loan? Are you concerned that you are paying more than you could be on your property loans?  Or perhaps you’ve got change happening in your life that’s got you considering refinancing to squeeze more out of life? If you answered ‘yes’ get ready for the great news…

At QMP Financial, we help people with existing loans minimise their home loan rates and consolidate their debts, so they can enjoy more disposable income each and every week, without spending months and months stuffing around with their current lender.

It starts with a simple chat. Share the information on your current home loans, and we take it from there. We’ll review your current position and take into account any additional ideas you have in mind. Then we’ll take your scenario out to the market and find the lenders best able to save you real dollars both now and in the future.

We often come across borrowers who are paying way more than they should, simply because they haven’t tested what’s possible. When you consider how hard you work for your money…Doesn’t it make sense to test the market and see how much money you can put back in your pocket!

Tailored Loans To Save You Money
Get Started
We Take Care Of The Heavy Lifting

How To Strategically Refinance To Build Your Property Portfolio

Kristi and Ryan wanted to move from their unit to a house and were able to release equity to help with the purchase. They were strategic in their approach to homeownership. By refinancing and releasing equity from their previous property, they were able to put more money towards their house purchase and get into a larger home that better suited their needs.

After moving in, they continued to keep an eye on the value of their home. When a refinance opportunity presented itself, they were able to release additional equity to complete some renovation works on the property. This not only made the house more comfortable to live in, but also added value to the property, which could potentially benefit them in the future should they decide to sell.

Are you interested in learning whether you can unlock equity in your property by refinancing… or perhaps you’re looking to take control and secure savings on your mortgage repayments? If’ the answer is ‘Yes’, click here to get started…

Refinance Loan Comparison Calculator

WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate

Stop Wasting Your Hard Earned Dollars. Take A Look At What’s Really Possible With Mortgage Rates… And We’ll Take Care Of All The Hard Work For You!

Nathan secured a good-sized property investment portfolio at a young age, but he reached a point where he was running tight on cash flow. He approached QMP Financial for some loan restructuring and to source better rates to increase cash flow to a more comfortable level. Nathan was able to hold onto the properties without selling (His No. 1 goal), keeping him in the hunt to avoid losses or miss out on capital appreciation in the future.

It’s impressive that Nathan had a property investment portfolio at a young age, but it’s not uncommon for investors to experience cash flow issues, especially if they have multiple properties. By taking a proactive approach, Nathan was able to hold onto his properties and continue to build his portfolio over time.

If you’d like a hand to review and manage your finance options for your investment properties, click to get started now…

Property Owners Seeking The Lowest Loan Rates

Discover the 5 core reasons to refinance your home loan now, even if it’s been less than 2 years since you last refinanced... So you can put more of your hard earned dollars in your pocket!

As time passes by, situations change. Maybe you’ve changed jobs? Or there’s a new addition to the family? Perhaps you would just like a better rate? Maybe it’s the advent of school fees, or perhaps the kids have flown the coop? Or maybe that leaking shower or tired kitchen has just reached the end of its life.

Circumstances change and it may be time to revisit your home finances. Refinancing a mortgage can be overwhelming, but it might help pay off your mortgage faster and for less, clear debt or upgrade your home.

Download this free guide to confirm if you’re paying too much on your current home loan.

Simply share your details and let us take care of the rest. It’s that easy!

*Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our

Proven Lending Partner Network

What Smart Property Buyers Say About QMP Financial...

5 stars

Caitlin Wright

3 reviews

5 star review

Pete and the team were great, made the process nice and easy. Would use again in a heartbeat!



3 reviews

5 star review

QMP was great to deal with from start to finish. Peter sought to understand our goals and presented us with options in a very clear and concise format.


James Coe

8 reviews

5 star review

Pete and the team at QMP are dedicated and knowledgeable. It was absolutely great working with them to secure the mortgage for our property!


Caitlin Wright

3 reviews

5 star review

Pete and the team were great, made the process nice and easy. Would use again in a heartbeat!



3 reviews

5 star review

QMP was great to deal with from start to finish. Peter sought to understand our goals and presented us with options in a very clear and concise format.


James Coe

8 reviews

5 star review

Pete and the team at QMP are dedicated and knowledgeable. It was absolutely great working with them to secure the mortgage for our property!

Real help for Refinanciers!


Can I get a mortgage where I pay less than I’m paying now?
Now is always a great time to shop around or check that you have the right loan for your needs. We’re a great starting point. It will depend what interest rate you’re currently paying, what type of home loan you have (e.g. fixed, variable, interest only, line of credit) and what features you want in your loan. We can quickly explain your options.

Can I consolidate credit card or other debts into a home loan?
This is one of the reasons some people refinance. The advantage is that you pay a much lower interest rate on a mortgage than for most other forms of debt – e.g. credit cards, overdraft facilities, personal loans etc. Providing you have sufficient equity in your property, you may be able to consolidate all your debt on a home loan. If you take this option though it is important to make sure you maintain your repayments of the debt that you consolidate at their current level, or you could easily end up paying more over a longer period of time. Speak with us today to discuss your personal needs.

How much money can I borrow?
We’re all unique when it comes to our finances and borrowing needs. Get an estimate on how much you may be able to borrow (subject to satisfying legal and lender requirements) with our clever loan options tool. Chat to us when you’re ready, we can help with calculations based on your circumstances.

How do I choose a loan that’s right for me?
Our guides to loan types and features (links) will help you learn about the main options available. There are hundreds of different home loans available so talk to us today.

How often do I make home loan repayments — weekly, fortnightly or monthly?
Most lenders offer flexible repayment options to suit your pay cycle. Aim for weekly or fortnightly repayments, instead of monthly, as you will make more payments in a year, which will shave dollars and time off your loan.

What fees/costs are involved in switching mortgages?
Depending on your loan, penalty fees could apply if you’re paying off your current mortgage early. But these may be offset by repayment savings when you switch home loans. We’ll walk you through any fees that could apply in your circumstances.

Fast-track Your Refinance

What You’ll Discover In Your FREE Tailored Home Refinance Fast-track Session

Don’t leave your property refinance to chance. Book your FREE Tailored Home Refinance Fast-track Session today and discover the keys to securing savings on your mortgage. Our professional mortgage brokers will help you explore your critical requirements for refinancing, including strategies to minimise repayments, the loan options that best suit your needs, and your borrowing capacity (*especially if you’re unlocking equity for renovations or other purchases).

During the session, you’ll get your most pressing loan questions answered by our experts, ensuring that you have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your refinancing. And best of all, there’s no risk or obligation to do anything following your session – just pure upside for you from day one! Book your free session now and take the first step towards fast-tracking your property refinance.

*These sessions are strictly limited, so reach out now to avoid disappointment

Secure Your FREE Tailored Home Refinance Fast-track Session Now

*No cost and no obligation...Just support. Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our

Fast-track Your Finance... That’s Our Promise!

We understand that the banks can be hard to deal with, especially if you haven’t caught up with lenders’ current requirements!

That’s why we promise to help you fast-track your finance… So you can make informed decisions sooner. We guide you through the step-by-step process on your journey to securing your property of choice, stress-free!

You’re invited to learn the facts you need to know now to secure finance! It sure beats leaving it to chance, setting yourself up for failure or wasting your time. It’s the key to fast-tracking property ownership (or re-finance)!

Want to fast-track your finance…?

*QMP Financial employs systems and strategies to accelerate the collection of customer information, assessment of eligibility and presentation of loan options, with the goal of helping clients fast-track their finance applications. This promise is not a guarantee that any given lender will approve a loan for our clients, nor that QMP Financial is responsible for the turn-around time of the lender once the required information is provided to the lender.

Refinancing Your Loan Could Put More Money In Your Back Pocket

We're here to help!

Don’t let the opportunity to save pass you by...

We hold your hand to simplify the steps to securing property finance, so you can understand, prepare for and fast-track securing home ownership, without making mistakes that could otherwise cost you thousands! Share your details to secure a private call back...

*No cost and no obligation...Just support. Your Privacy is 100% safe with us. When you enquire you confirm you have read & agree with our