Show us your shed
It might be hanging with spiderwebs and lined with lovely old carpentry tools from another time, a serene hideaway for an artist’s creative pursuits or a tricked-up man cave kitted out with every mod con you could possibly dream of. We want to see our readers’ interesting or old-school backyard sheds. Send us a photo that shows off the interior of your shed, and if it captures our attention $1,000 might be on its way to you. Feel free to include the shed’s owner within their domain in the photo.
How: send your photo to havencompetitions@afgonline.com.au placing ‘Shed’ in the subject line. If someone is featured in the photo, let us know who it is.
Include: your name, address, email, phone number and the name of your mortgage broker.
Dates: opens on August 14 and closes on October 12.
Winner: will be decided on October 13 and notified by telephone after this time.
Terms and conditions: email havencompetitions@afgonline.com.au to request terms and conditions.